Saturday, 6 April 2013

Photographer Zack Arias Takes a Trip to Mumbai with the X-Pro1 4

I have been a professional photographer for 28 years and the place that has most impressed me in my travels round the world is India, a country of amazing contrasts and contradictions. A visceral in your face experience of the human experience.All elements of the many different cultures are manifested on the street, Indian people are fantastically vivid, the colourful clothes, their expressiveness, their passion is wonderful to behold. And of course the sheer physical beauty of the country from the mountains in the north to the sub tropical lushness in the south. Here are my photos and the gear I took in 1993. Pictures
Which leads me to this fascinating video of Zak Arias in India using the Fuji x-Pro 1, which I must say I am hugely impressed with. I think a must addition to my equipment.

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Born 1960 College. Manchester Poly. One grown up daughter.