Thursday, 16 July 2015

"It's Black and White" Book and Exhibition of Patrick Eden's Photographs.

Nice write up in local newspaper.
 I am having an exhibition in Jolliffes Coffee Shop and Gallery in the High Street of my home town Cowes, on the Isle of Wight. It is ongoing so should be running through August.
Here is my short biography.

Patrick Eden has been a full time professional photographer since 1985.

"I was born on The Isle of Wight, I went to Manchester Polytechnic to study Graphic and Photographic Technology.
Then London for a while, then I returned to the Island to start up my business"

His work has been used throughout the world via the Image Bank/Getty and Alamy picture agencies. Stock pictures
and commissioned work has also been published in such diverse publications as the South China Morning Post, Time Stern and Paris Match and many news papers and magazines world wide.

These pictures have been taken from 1978 onwards, predominantly in the early 80/90s, mostly on the Isle of Wight but some in more exotic locations..

"I used to carry my OM-2 camera with a 28mm lens on it all the time. Just wondering around looking for pictures is a fun way to meet and chat with interesting people"

It has been and interesting experience, as this is my first ever exhibition. A steep learning curve, almost vertical in fact, and am rather pleased with the result. 

Pretty much sums things up. If you are able to go please leave a message in the visitors book.
There is a book available as well either at the Gallery or from my website
By the way the coffee is very good too.
Cheers Patrick

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Very interesting and thorough article by Zak on this excellent camera. here

About Me

My photo
Born 1960 College. Manchester Poly. One grown up daughter.